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Hubert Védrine: "Henry Kissinger, a lesson in realism for our time"


Highlights: Hubert Védrine: "Henry Kissinger, a lesson in realism for our time" The former foreign minister pays tribute to the American diplomat who died on November 29. At a time when Western democracies are once again facing major geopolitical challenges, they should reconnect with his lessons, he believes. There was a real phenomenon around Henry Kissinger. A paradoxical phenomenon. The mention of his name provokes admiration, but also serious criticism, and many false trials and misinterpretations that overlook his legacy, which is more relevant than ever.

TRIBUNE - The former foreign minister pays tribute to the American diplomat who died on November 29. At a time when Western democracies are once again facing major geopolitical challenges, they should reconnect with his lessons, he believes.

There was a real phenomenon around Henry Kissinger. A paradoxical phenomenon. The mention of his name provokes admiration, but also serious criticism, and many false trials and misinterpretations that overlook his legacy, which is more relevant than ever.

Phenomenon: Henry Kissinger continued to exercise a kind of magisterium over world geopolitics, until his death at the age of 100, 46 years after he left power, while he had been in power for only eight years under Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, from 1969 to 1977! It was less and less related to his action that most people had forgotten, apart from the masterstroke of re-establishing relations with China to break the China-USSR alliance, and much more to the formidable and indefatigable staging of his character, of the expression of his public sentences, clearer than the Pythia, to his incomparable power of analysis and formulation, dazzling in his masterpiece Diplomacy...

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Source: lefigaro

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